So I won’t. Check out Chris Brogan’s viewpoint on striking while the iron’s hot and working right up to and through a season that many MOST use as an excuse to halt all progress. Do you plan to keep your momentum going through the holiday season? Are you going to take a break, to relax […]
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focus, motivation
Every day bajillions of people start a new venture. They decide to start a photography business, they decide to open a Subway franchise, they decide to create a Facebook fan page, they decide to start selling bowling balls. Whatever. With each of those decisions and all the choices that were mulled over, how many choices […]
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decision-making, entrepreneurship, motivation
So. Here I am. I’ve made it through my first day as a nervous, excited, eyes-wide-open newbie at the biggest blogging, online media, and podcasting convention in the world. Nice. So now I’m sitting here going through all my notes and thoughts and ideas from the day, letting them bounce around in my brain for […]
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Personal Development, blogging, conferences, motivation
So. I have a bone to pick with, just…people. Ahem. Attention! People of the World! Why oh why, may I ask, do you keep throwing excuses out into the universe for why you can not and will not find success? For why you can’t achieve your goals? Why do you do this? Why do you […]
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Personal Development, dreams, inspiration, motivation, positivity
For the past several months I’ve been following one of my favorite bloggers, Maggie Mason of MightyGirl, as she detailed out the results of an amazing opportunity she received from Intel to fulfill 10 items from her LifeList on someone else’s dime. Maggie is an accomplished author and blogger, in addition to an inspiring, creative, […]
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Blogroll, goal-setting, inspiration, lifelist, motivation
Last weekend my husband and I spent a few days in Nashville, TN with a couple friends of ours. A just-for-fun trip. In addition to the, err, beverage drinking and honky-tonk visiting, we spent a portion of one of our days visiting Carnton plantation, an old farm outside of Nashville in a town called Franklin. […]
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attitude, inspiration, motivation
Time for another round-up of a few of my favorite quotes and motivational tidbits from the past few weeks. My thoughts lately seem to be all over the place – not a bad reflection of my schedule so far this month! Here goes: It’s the little things that make all the difference. What “one more” […]
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inspiration, motivation, quotes, twitter
I went out of town this past weekend – a float trip with a good couple-friend of ours. We had a great time and very much succeeded in clearing our minds and relaxing our bodies. Yay! Upon ‘plugging’ back in this morning I reconnected with all of the industry news, my favorite Twitterers, and updates […]
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entrepreneurship, inspiration, motivation, networking