Hello! I’m Annie Sorensen, and I’m a mom. I’m also a writer, real estate investor, and book nut.
In August 2015 my first self-published children’s book, A Boy Named Love, was released. The book is available on Amazon in paperback and hardcover, and is hopefully the first of many more to come!
AnnieSorensen.com is my personal blog about books, mommyhood, business, and other random musings. I have been writing here off and on for six years.
But this blog is also about…you.
It is my sincere hope that you find a seed of inspiration somewhere in my writing to grow yourself or your business, find a cool book, start a new venture, laugh, and work on defining your OWN life.
Subscribe to Receive AnnieSorensen.com Conveniently in Your Inbox
– My Complete Reading List
– A Love Letter to My Former Employer
– Amazon.com Book Wish List
– Who Said You Had to Be Average?
– Annie’s Life List
– 5 Ways to Build a Business Around Your Full-Time Job
– 30 Things You Didn’t Know About Me
– The Importance of Connecting
– A Few Thoughts On Being a Writer
– A Poem: Books Make Me…

* I always use Amazon Affiliate links when discussing books I’ve read or reviewed.
* I am an elite brand partner with Vemma Nutrition (member site), and get paid to refer people to their products and opportunity.
* I am a licensed real estate salesperson in the states of Missouri and Kansas with Platinum Realty, LLC.
* I use and am an affiliate for the Thesis theme for WordPress (affiliate link).
* I sometimes use affiliate links when discussing projects or websites with whom I have relationships with, and think my audience will enjoy and benefit from. All such links are disclosed when used.
* I am often sent books to review. I will only post reviews of books I think my audience will enjoy or benefit from.
Love the new website Annie! I’m so excited to watch it grow as all your fabulous business ideas grow too :-)
Love ya!
Annie, you are amazing! I love your site! Thanks for inspiring others to be their best… You rock :)
You’re an inspiration, Katie!
Am I crazy or are you using Thesis? Awesome theme.
Just found your blog via dailybooth but I like what I see so far. Keep up the good work!
Hey Phil, nope, not crazy, WP Thesis it is.
Thanks so much! Keep the feedback coming!
Annie, I'm following your blog. @rodkirby recommended you, so I'm following you on Twitter and subscribing to your blog. I love the look and content of your blog :) Love that you love to read: Readers are Leaders!
Looking good!
Looks great, Annie! Clean and to the point[s] I enjoyed meeting you and your husband in Vegas!
Awesome blog Annie!
I just sent you an email message requesting some help for a first time blogger. Sure hope you have a chance to review and get back.
Happy Friday!
James H.
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Love the quirky pics…look forward to connecting with you more. Keep at it Annie, you're gonna “Crush It” many times over!
Thanks, Cesar! Looking forward to it, too, sir.
Your site is groovy! I like it. And keep at it. You’ll get more traction! – David Fox
Thanks, David. Appreciate you stopping by!
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