Link Round-Up: Vemma News

August 26, 2009

So. There have been a few exciting things happening lately within the Vemma & Verve world, and by few I really mean TONS and by exciting I really mean CRAZY RIDICULOUS.


Seriously, this has been an enormous month, summer, and year for Vemma as a company and all of its members. The corporate leadership has been going through branding efforts like nobody’s business and, wow. Wowowow. There have been so many inspiring things happening and so many huge announcements that a strong need arose to gather everything into one place. So, here we go.

First, Vemma’s CEO, BK Boreyko, announced via Twitter that he hired a Social Media Manager. Perhaps the very first MLM company to do so. Then, as if that wasn’t enough, he brought a seasoned network marketing veteran on board as the new Executive VP of Brand Development. Umm, pretty sure you’ve been doing unbelievable things with branding lately, BK, can’t really imagine what will transpire with the addition of a dedicated VP of Brand Dev. *shiver*

Switching focus to the product details, for those into the nitty gritty science behind Vemma & Verve there’s a great article on PubMed about last year’s randomized, double-blind, placebo, scientific study on the formula.

September 1st marks the makeover date of our already-fantastic websites. Here’s a sneak peak of the landing page, Verve page, and Vemma NEXT page.


Finally, don’t forget next Tuesday’s monthly, corporate update call where a certain Gary Vaynerchuk (yes, THAT Gary) will be joining us.

Uhh, yeah. It’s gonna be huge.


I went out of town this past weekend – a float trip with a good couple-friend of ours. We had a great time and very much succeeded in clearing our minds and relaxing our bodies. Yay! Upon ‘plugging’ back in this morning I reconnected with all of the industry news, my favorite Twitterers, and updates on the blogs of successful authors, motivators, networkers, and businesspeople that I follow. I love doing that, sitting down in front of my computer with the knowledge that I have all sort of fun catching-up reading to do. It’s not just the feeling before I dig in that’s exciting, though, it’s what I’m left with a couple hours later. For me, there is nothing more motivating, thought-provoking, inspiring, and energizing than really plugging in.

It doesn’t just apply to networking via the big, bad Internet, either.
No matter your business, getting connected and staying connected is the key to success. The key to SURVIVAL. It’s the driving force behind staying ahead of the curve, fueling creativity and innovation, keeping inspired, and stregthening relationships. Lose touch with your network and you lose touch with your business. Lose touch with your business and you can kiss profits and growth goodbye. You’ve gotta attend those motivational meetings, fly out to the big convention, read the news, participate in discussions online related to your field, and call or email a dozen people every day to keep the relationships and contacts going, to keep them positive.

After a few hours of plugging back into the world this morning, I’m connected into my team and leadership, I’ve made a game plan for for the week, I’m up-to-date on the buzz around Twitter and Facebook, I know which networking and team events I’m attending the new few days, I’ve read or skimmed a dozen blog and news posts, and I am motivated, inspired, and ready for the week.

And by ready for the week I really mean WOOHOOOO I’m READY(!!) for the WEEK!


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Ha. If you have a few moments to waste, this is a humorous, sarcastic look at many of the reasons why corporate America is sometimes, well…kinda funny.

7 Habits of Hightly Effective Slackers

And by funny, I really mean ridiculous.

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I ran into an interesting tidbit of an article today on the average age of entrepreneurs. The ‘whiz kid myth’ refers to the fact that most people think all uber-successful business owners started off as a smartypants college student, typing away in a campus apartment. Beware 30 year-old, stay-at-home parents and 48 year-old miserable, cubicle dwellers, you are officially out of excuses.

CNNMoney: The Entrepreneur Whiz Kid Myth

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Fun, new reads-to-be

August 13, 2009

old-stack-of-booksI’m always adding books to my wish list – I use Amazon to organize all of them – but this week I seem to have run into more books than usual that I not only added to the list but am really excited about. Three of them that top the list:

Trust Agents: Using the Web to Build Influence, Improve Reputation, and Earn Trust , by Chris Brogan and Julien Smith
– The title says it all. I mean, who ISN’T using the web to positively influence their business? I’m not sure what else you’d do with it, really. Anyway, I also heard mention of this title enough this week amongst some of the amazing business folks I follow on Twitter that, well, if it has fans like that, little ‘ole me better not skip it over.

Failing Forward: Turning Mistakes into Stepping Stones for Success , by John C Maxwell
– I don’t how I missed this one when it was released 2 years ago, but I have a strong opinion that millions are afraid of venturing into business for themselves because they’re afraid of failing. If they only knew how successful a great failure could be! I’ve had my fair share of failures-turned-learning-experiences, but I’m sure failing properly is always something that can be improved upon.

Food Inc.: A Participant Guide: How Industrial Food is Making Us Sicker, Fatter, and Poorer-And What You Can Do About It , by Karl Weber
– On a different topic, I know this movie and its corresponding book will be a classic situation of I-wish-I-didn’t-know-this. However, I can’t not see it. To be completely honest, I’ve gotten a little – just a smidge, promise! – lax lately about my choice in groceries and I need to be shocked back to making the trek to Whole Foods more regularily.

What have you added to your must-read list lately?

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Quote of the Day

August 11, 2009


“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?” – Marianne Williamson

No explanation needed for why I had to highlight this quote today. How strong the feelings are that this evokes…WOWSERS.

What are your thoughts…who do you know that has held themselves back from living the life they want because of a personal fear? Was it a fear of failing? Of embarassment? How do you tackle such an obstacle? What would this world be like if everyone had the confidence to be the best person they could be?

(quote courtesy of

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Soo excited for Crush It!

August 10, 2009

Can I just say that I cannot WAIT for the October release of Gary Vaynerchuk’s first book, Crush It!: Why NOW Is the Time to Ca$h In on Your Passion?! I know I’m a bookworm and all, but seriously, I’ve never actually written a release date ON MY CALENDAR. (It’s October 13th, by the way.) I watched a couple of Gary’s newest videos this evening and they just reiterated my opinion that there is no one better fit to inspire entrepreneurs of all shapes and sizes, from the wannabes to the experienced. Love love LOVE it. This will be THE biz book of the season.

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Go Ahead and Splurge

August 9, 2009

cartoon_beachHaving just returned from an 8+ day vacation, I started thinking today about taking breaks. Mental breaks. With a 9-5 jobby job your to-do list and motivation is all supplied by someone else. But as a business owner or entrepreneur, everything’s on your own shoulders. With entrepreneurs, taking time off for R&R also means that productivity skids to a complete halt. Ack! Not a good thing for fueling momentum, increasing visibility, or making new contacts for your biz. On the other hand, there’s nothing more pointless than going away for rest and relaxation and doing nothing but work and more work. I’m convinced that balancing the two is a continual work-in-progress, but I also believe that there are a couple things anyone can do to enjoy the best of both worlds:

Prepare Before heading out of town, write down a few vacation goals. Do you want to check your email for 5 minutes a day? 5 hours? Never? Do you plan to return phone calls first thing in the morning or perhaps right after lunch? Have you told your contacts how available – or unavailable – you will be? Make a game plan before you leave and you’ll be able to keep things running at home while still enjoying the reason you left it in the first place.

Relax With a complete lack (or at least a shortened version) of a to-do list, vacation can be a powerful time for brainstorming. Take your journal along and make good use of your relaxed, open state of mind. You never know, amongst the museum-hopping, sun-catching, and sight-seeing, a powerful, new idea might just end up being the most exciting event all vacation.

Don’t hesitate to splurge once in a while on a well-deserved break. Schedule in a smidge of business time and put your feet up. And enjoy!

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