Personal Development

The platforms of my life

June 27, 2012

I ran into a quote from Chris Brogan today, written in one of his most recent email newsletters, that said: “Platform is the opportunity to voice your views or inspire an action.” He was mainly referring to the platforms, mostly online, that we, as a brand or business, take advantage of. His list included Twitter […]

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Me: You should have called me! I would have been happy to help you. Them: Oh, I thought about it, but I didn’t want to bother you. You’re so busy! – Them: You have a blog? Me: Yup. I love to write. Them: Wow… Me: What? Them: Well, I just don’t know how you can […]


The sale!

April 30, 2012

I don’t like to write about these types of things very often, but this one is too good to pass up. Are you familiar with Adam Baker of Or Karol Gajda of Or their joint project, a massive digital information product sale that only comes around once or twice a year, Well, […]

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Plane taking off

Want your business to grow? Want your LIFE to grow? Try these: 1. Burn the boats. If you land on an island and command your squad to start fighting the natives, what’s the surest way to gaurantee that you win? Burn the boats. Put yourself into a situation where there’s no turning back. That way […]


Focus! I need some.

August 24, 2011

So today happened. Err, it is happening. It’s been one of those days where I woke up energized to do big things, to really move the needle, but I’m so motivated that I don’t have a focus. You know what I mean? You do know what I mean, right? (Click here if you can’t see […]



I ran into this poster last weekend: So the key, then, would be realizing when you’re just “being busy.” Right? Knowing when you’re just being busy, or you’re not on the right track, or you’re in need of halting your dig. Right? Stopping, every once in a while, is a good thing, you know. Taking […]

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We have a friend who frequently asks for our opinion on personal development books. Which one he should read next, specifically, and unlike many others who never make it to this step, he actually picks up what we recommend and reads them. Go him! However, the accolades, sadly, end there. He reads them, we ask […]



I’m the kind of character that loves working from home, but struggles with it sometimes. And isn’t afraid to admit it. I’m the kind of character that writes because she loves it, but hopes beyond hope that at least one person out there finds a tiny bit of inspiration or hope or…laughter?…from her writing. But […]

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