Ohh, this child. She makes my ovaries hurt. Pang. Ping. Pang pang. Whoops. That was them. “Hi, Auntie!” I mean, honestly, can we take note of those cheeks. Those cheeks could spark world peace. This child also makes me laugh. I turn on the front-facing camera on my iPhone. She notices it. “My! Look at […]
I’m feeling grateful today. And lucky. And geeky. Wait, I’m always feeling geeky. So I guess that’s nothing new? Nope. Not new. Crap. So, I’m feeling grateful, because I didn’t apply to get noticed. “The H&R Block Business and Career Center was designed, in part, to help people get their own businesses up and running. […]
I’m a notebook kind of gal. Have we discussed this? The past couple years I’ve molded into an I-never-do-not-have-my-notebook-with-me type of person. It serves as my scratch pad, my list of reminders, my diary, and, often, my sanity. Amongst the scribble of the garage code for the rental property and my grocery list from last […]
1. I am currently reading Kathryn Stockett’s novel, The Help and, wow. It’s greatly affected my ability to get 8 full hours of sleep the past couple nights. Stupid book. (What’re you reading?) 2. My triple chins say hello! From Big Omaha! 3. I almost left my beloved black blazer in my hotel room this […]