There’s nothing better than late-night, sunken-eyed, bursts of clarity. I was struck the other evening with how many people are paralyzed by fear. So much so that they end of doing nothing. They end up NEVER doing ANYTHING.

You’re too good for that. Here’s why (if you cannot see the video below, you can watch it here):

So take that fear by the horns and get into action already. How will you ever know what could be if you don’t?

Thoughts on fear in business? Fear in life? How do you push through it and get yourself to take that critical first step?


Life List #73? Check.

July 28, 2010

2010 is turning into quite the year for my Life List – it seems to be shrinking at lightening speed. The first weekend in May Nate and I took a quick, 24-hour trip to Omaha to attend the annual shareholder weekend for Berkshire Hathaway. Part of the deal, of course, was getting the opportunity to listen to the sage of Omaha himself, Warren Buffett, speak.
cartoon warren buffett
It was quite the event. Thousands and thousands of shareholders, an hour-long, parody-like movie showcasing several of BH’s companies, and Warren and his second-hand man Charlie sitting behind a basic folding table on stage. Questions go throughout the day. And…that’s it! Fascinating in its simplicity. One highlight – realizing Bill Gates was one of the few members of the board and, therefore, that we were in the room with two of the richest men in the world at the very same time.

Besides the main event, BH fills one of the exhibit halls in the Quest Center with elaborate booths from some of their companies – giveaways, huge shareholder discounts, funny mascots, etc. Free breakfast was also part of the deal.

All in all, it was awesome. Exactly what I had always wanted to check out. It was a gathering of thousands of interesting investors – some big, many small – that at the very least were curious, knowledge-seeking, business-minded folks. THAT is what made it cool.

…and also why attending the annual meeting and listening to Buffet speak was #73 on my life list.

…and yet another example of how community can be so powerful. I had publicized my life list several months ago, a friend of a friend of a friend was reading my website, read that I wanted to attend Berkshire’s meeting, knew she had tickets to attend that she wasn’t using, and offered to give them to me.



High-fives and hugs to community. Cheers to crossing items off your list. So grateful!

What say you? How’s your life list coming? Do you have one? What items are you working on?


Interview: PrairieCast

July 22, 2010

PrairieCast_icon It was a honor last week to have been interviewed by Geoff Wood and Andy Brudtkuhl of, the “podcast for Midwest entrepreneurs.” We had a great chat that touched upon how I left the corporate world, who inspires me, and what I’m currently working on. Also, for the first time I mention the new web application I’m launching with a couple friends, so tune in for that. :)

Thank you, Geoff and Andy, for a wonderful interview! I come in around the 10:30 minute mark. Click here to check it out.

Thanks, also, to Silicon Prairie News for the write-up about the interview!


Poor blog comments. They’re old school, unsexy, and rarely discussed. But do you realize how powerful they are?

Thoughts? Is regularly commenting on blogs an important piece of your social media day? If it’s not, should it be?


Investing in Others

July 6, 2010

For quite some time now – years, really – I’ve invested my time and emotions and love into the success of others. That’s my passion, after all, doing everything I can to inspire others to do a little bit better, every day. However, as a business-person, no matter how large or how small your business might be, when is it the right time to also consider investing monetarily in others? You know, your MOOLA!

I was approached the other day for the very first time by an entrepreneur pitching his business in an attempt to attract investors. First, it was flattering. I mean, me? Like, really? ARE YOU SURE YOU KNOW WHAT YOU’RE GETTING INTO. Then later, it was fascinating. How interesting to learn such specific, inside details about someone’s business; to hear their personal goals and struggles and dreams, and experience a snippet of what their business looks like on a day-to-day basis.

I have no idea if we’ll invest or not – many discussions will be had on the subject – but I just thought this was interesting and wanted to share it with you.

What does Zig Ziglar say? You will get all that you want in life if you help enough other people get what THEY want? Sounds about right.

Throw out your thoughts on this. Do you invest your time in others? Your money? Do you believe what Ziggy says?


Annie Sorensen reads podcast Woohooo we’re on to number two! Teens/tweens, hurricanes, and my one of my top 3 favorite books – listen in, because this episode is craaazy.

reads Podcast – Episode 002

(Clicking the link above will automatically launch and play the episode.)

Shout-out to a commenter from last week, the lovely Ms Cheryl Sweeney, who has finally convinced me to stop my 7+ year procrastination of what appears to be an awesome book.

Stay tuned next week for 4th of July shenanigans and one of the worst personal development books I have ever read.

Question of the Day! –> “Do you read physical paper books, digital books, or a combination of the two?”


Episode 002
Sponsored by…little ‘ole me

Recommended reads:
The Slight Edge: Secret to a Successful Life, by Jeff Olson

Just Picked-Up reads:
The Westing Game, by Ellen Raskin

For Fun reads:
1 Dead in Attic: After Katrina, by Chris Rose

Current reads:
Sway: The Irresistible Pull of Irrational Behavior, by Ori & Rom Brafman

Also mentioned…
What Should I Do With My Life?, by Po Bronson


St Louis Gateway Arch - Annie Sorensen During a brief stint in St Louis last weekend I snuck in a couple hours to visit the famous St Louis Gateway Arch, something I had embarassingly not yet done in my 7+ years as a Missouri resident. While at the arch I ran into an interesting journal entry from Meriwether Lewis. Anything Lewis & Clark always catches my eye as they’re such historical figures in Kansas City. (They traversed the Missouri River for their famous travels, the waterway that cuts through the entire metro area.)

I snapped a photo of the entry, however, not because of its historical importance but because of it’s application to our businesses today.

Stick with me here. This wraps up all neat and tidy-like, PROMISE.

April 7 1805

Having on this day at 4 P.M. completed every arrangement necessary for our departure, we dismissed the barge and crew with orders to return without loss of time to S. Louis…[with] our dispatches to the government, letters to our private friends, and a number of articles to the President of the United States…we were now about to penetrate a country at least two thousand miles in width, on which the foot of civillized man had never trodden; the good or evil it had in store for us was for experiment yet to determine, and these little vessells contained every article by which we were to expect to subsist or defend ourselves.

Meriwether Lewis

Meriwether Lewis journal entry - Annie Sorensen

So, what do you think, could we sum this up by saying that nothing of great importance is ever achieved unless a risk is taken?

Or perhaps we could say that history’s greatest accomplishments are typically the result of someone willing to do what no one else has ever been willing to do?

Or how about something like you never know unless you try?

Do you think you can you make that first phone call? Or finally put pen to paper to record those goals? Or read that first, positive book that’s been sitting on your nightstand for three years?

Can you finally launch that blog you’ve been intending to get off the ground for months? Or upload and share that first photo? Or record that first podcast?

Can you finally talk to that banker to discuss your idea? Or your lawyer? Or CPA? Spouse? DOG?!

I bet you can. And you know what? Even if you can’t, you won’t know unless you try.
St Louis Gateway Arch park - Annie Sorensen “The good or evil it had in store for us was for experiment yet to determine.” – Meriwether Lewis

I want to take a pen to this and add, “…but we don’t give a sh*t. We’re giving it a try anyway.”


I cannot be happier to announce the very first episode of reads Podcast! I love books, I love to read, I love to learn, and I know many of you out there feel the same. So let’s talk about it, why don’t we?

reads Podcast – Episode 001
(Clicking the link above will automatically launch and play the episode.)

I am dying to hear your thoughts! Love it? Hate it? Get anything out of it?

And don’t forget to answer the Question of the Day: “What’re you currently reading?” I’ll feature several of the best answers in next week’s episode.

This is so fun!


Episode 001
Sponsored by…me :)

Recommended reads:
Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose, by Tony Hsieh
FailNation, by

Just Purchased reads:
Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything, by Steven D Levitt & Stephen J Dubner

For Fun reads:
The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel, by Garth Stein

Current reads:
Six Pixels of Separation: Everyone is Connected, Connect Your Business to Everyone, by Mitch Joel