Guess who’s gonna launch a Kickstarter campaign to help get her children’s book off the ground? I’ll give you three guesses. :) — I’ve never published a children’s book before. I know very little about Kickstarter other than some cool people have done some cool things with it. I’ve never created a video before that […]
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books, children's books, marketing, publishing, self-publishing, writing
Last week I was out walking with both kiddos when a landscaper working nearby waved, then called out, “Babysitting today?” Huh? I’m pretty sure these are my own kids. Is this a trick question? Did I look too scrubby to be their mama? Too dressed up? Too old? Too young? These are the questions keeping […]
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Vemma, business, freelance writing, real estate, rentals, writing
PSSTT! I am backdating this post to January, when it was originally written, but am just now publishing it because…because…well, because I’m apparently an airhead who forgets the difference between the Publish button and the Save Draft button. #doh And then doesn’t even notice her mistake for four long months. #doubledoh Thanks for reading. :) […]
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Personal Development, Vemma, business, dreams, goal-setting, mommyhood, writing
This is gonna be fun! Here we go, a few gift ideas for those in your life that are… Book Geeks: Kindle PaperwhiteDude, the price tag on this thing is ridiculous at only $119, and with CNN’s stamp of “the best e-reader ever” you know you can’t go wrong. The no-glare, the lightness, the multiple-week […]
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Vemma, books, business, gift guide, mommyhood, writing
I had a friend the other day say something to me like, “What’s with all of this writer stuff? Since when have you wanted to be a writer? I feel like it’s coming out of nowhere!” I can’t remember exactly how I responded, but I think I chuckled and mumbled something about the moment a […]
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business, freelance writing, journaling, writing
Sometime during the first few days of 2012, I sat down to reflect on 2011 and write a few goals for the new year. (The list might have included items like Have a baby. Survive having a baby. and Keep breathing.) I put my finger on a big love of my life last year – […]
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Silicon Prairie News, business, writing
They’re random, the items on this list. But I’m random. And random writing about writing is a good thing…right? Right. Here goes… If you like to write, and you occasionally do write, I say you can call yourself a writer. You don’t have to complete a marathon to call yourself a runner or get through […]
Tagged as:
books, writing