Do you ever go back through the camera roll on your cell phone and amaze yourself at how many odd things you find yourself photographing? I do. And you do, too. Right? You do, right? Hello? I’m going to pretend I heard you respond. According to my iPhone camera, my August went something like this: […]
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My Mother grew up in chilly Fargo, North Dakota, and like many of her local nieghbors and friends, her family had a lake cabin an hour away in Minnesota. Second homes back then weren’t as huge of a financial undertaking as they are today, and her family spent practically every weekend there during the summer […]
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Lakeside. 9 days. It was a great week. Now, I’m ready to get back to work. I love my work. Hubz said he’s not. Ready to get back, that is. He, umm, doesn’t love his work. I’m working on that. I wrote a little. Blogged a little. Thought a lot. Relaxed a lot. Read A […]
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From the Notebook, musings, poem-like stuff, travel
And to add to that, is it fall yet? Are the leaves turning beautiful shades of orange and yellow and red yet? Are the mornings cool and crisp yet? Can I spend a lazy Saturday reading and tidying and writing with games on all day in the background, yet? I’m excited. Yup. Definitely excited.
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On July 15th, 2010 I wrote a one-line entry in my journal. I wrote it at the top of a fresh page, and never wrote anything else below it. I have melanoma. A week later, I had outpatient surgery to remove a sizable chunk of skin from my stomach. I was a lucky one. It […]
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This dog reminds me of her. Stubborn. Smart. Full of attitude. And the highlight of your day: This is her, and what happens when Mama keeps forgetting to close the door to the pantry: I didn’t need that baking powder anyway. This is what she does 55 times a day when she walks into my […]
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canine-baby, musings
A Love Letter to my Former Employer Ah ah ahem. AHEM. – Dear Former Employer, You stuck me in this thing for six and a half years: For that, I will never be the same. I learned in that cloth-lined fortress. I learned so much. I learned that, in business, you can’t always be all […]
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corporate, musings
Friday, 7/1/11, 11am? Living It Balcony vantage point The best views Without warning, the sky opens Clear one minute, downpour the next Everyone winces Bearing it An imaginary timer Ten seconds Fifteen They all scramble, giving up to it His arm around hers, under a palm Groundskeeper, texting, huddled under the thatched-roof Bags and belongings […]
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From the Notebook, musings