In the summer of 2009, Hubz and I leapt into a huge remodel of our home. We weren’t strangers to updating things; in years prior we had removed wallpaper from every wall in the house, painted everything, replaced all light fixtures, refinished all the floors, refaced the fireplace, refinished the bannister, updated every light switch […]
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musings, remodel, website
— I get an odd look From the parked car on the right. I keep on stuffing, though, Savoring it, my sprinkly delight. I’m ohhing and ahhing in the driver’s seat, I’m loving every minute. Guilt? What guilt? My belly, it wants in it. It hit out of the blue, The wave, it was so […]
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musings, poem-like stuff, pregnancy
YESEES AND NOEES The Yesees said yes to anything That anyone suggested. The Noees said no to everything Unless it was proven and tested. So the Yesees all died of much too much And the Noees all died of fright, But somehow I think the Thinkforyourselfees All came out all right. Shel Silverstein Copied from […]
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musings, poem-like stuff
If I wouldn’t have ever suggested it, would they have ever offered me the opportunity? If I hadn’t followed up, would they have forgotten? Would it have ever happened? Did my one email, my one phone call, make a difference? Will my one email, my one phone call, make a difference? If I hadn’t given […]
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lists, musings
Dear Internet, Guess what? No, you have to guuuueeeesss. Nope, it’s not that. Nope, not that either. Nuh uh, wrong again. You ready? Ok, fine. Here it is: there’s a Lil Sorensen on the way. [gasp!] I know, right! Bat down the hatches and alert the coast guard. Come next spring, it’s about to get […]
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Lil Sorensen, musings, personal
So. Hubz ran a marathon last weekend. Have I mentioned that? We were up oh-dark-so-painfully-early o’clock in the morning. Preparations had to be done, after all. We got to the race site around 6:30am. It was still dark. And early. And painful. Hubz stretched. I shivered. Here’s the start of the race! Oh yeah, that’s […]
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Hubz, musings
This is my dog: I wish, I mean, it just, it’s hard to…uhh, yeah. That is totally her. Someday I will delve into the details of the Great Christmas Tree Incident of 2008 or the routine stuffed animal massacres that take place in our household, but for now just sit back, put your feet up, […]
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canine-baby, musings
Because, honestly, is this not just the cutest thing you’ve seen all day?
Tagged as:
musings, nothin, video