
This is an incredibly lighthearted, casual video from an engineer at Google named Matt Cutts, but well worth the 3 minutes: An extremely simple, unoriginal message – not unlike practically all personal development messages – yet thought-provoking, don’t you think? What shall we try? What shall we do! Our options are endless. This is gonna […]


Be like this fish

August 2, 2011

ambitious fish

Ambitious. Big-thinking. Confident. GUTSY! Because why limit yourself to only going after the tiny bait, when you have a chance at nabbing the big one? The bigger bait is meant for the bigger fish, but that doesn’t mean hardworking, ambitious littler fish can’t take a jab at it. You deserve to go after it. You […]

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A heck of a lot closer

July 27, 2011

I was just catching up with one of my favorite bloggers, well, I guess I’d call her a “life” blogger, The Pioneer Woman. I was reading a post where she was discussing her food photography. I don’t particularly care about food photography, but the last two lines of the post were golden. The quote immediately […]



I ran into this poster last weekend: So the key, then, would be realizing when you’re just “being busy.” Right? Knowing when you’re just being busy, or you’re not on the right track, or you’re in need of halting your dig. Right? Stopping, every once in a while, is a good thing, you know. Taking […]

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#12 - Goals, on Flickr by JohnONolan

#12-Goals, on Flickr by JohnONolan Apologies for the profanity, but you can’t beat this life list. It paints such a great picture of the writer, don’t you think? Determined. Exhilarated. Creative. And inspired. Right? I love it! Couldn’t resist sharing. (Thanks for finding this shot, Jenn!)



It’s been over two months since we signed on the dotted line with a property manager for our rental house. I could sum up the experience by saying So Far, So Good! However, I think what might be more accurate is So Far…Pretty Good. Here’s the story… Back in May we called four property managers […]


Oh, well hello there! How are you? You’re good? Great. You’re hot? Yeah, I know. I don’t want to talk about it. I’m kind of excited this afternoon. Well, and kinda nervous. I’m excitedly nervous. Or nervously excited. I’ll stop now. I’ve just created a permanent home for my oddball, selfish, embarrassing, little life list. […]

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We have a friend who frequently asks for our opinion on personal development books. Which one he should read next, specifically, and unlike many others who never make it to this step, he actually picks up what we recommend and reads them. Go him! However, the accolades, sadly, end there. He reads them, we ask […]