If I were to have the opportunity to start my adult life over again, I would do one general, albeit very important, thing differently: go faster. Much faster. Taken action earlier, made the decision quicker, pondered less, acted more. Gone after the bigger fish right off the bat, instead of piddling around so long with […]
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entrepreneurship, inspiration, motivation
I’m borrowing this quote from my current read, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, and it gets an entire post all on its own, it’s that good. Trust yourself. Create the kind of life you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks […]
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books, entrepreneurship, inspiration, motivation
Want your business to grow this year? Making a big difference on the success of your 2011 doesn’t have to mean making big changes. 1. Throw out your New Year’s resolutions and annual goals. It’s January 19th; define five, specific mini-goals you would like to accomplish by February 15th. Then get to work. 2. Be […]
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Personal Development, entrepreneurship, lists, motivation
Molds. Everywhere you go it seems people want to compare you to others. Ohh, you’ve been dating 3 years and aren’t engaged? Well, Joe and Jane over there only dated for 2 years before they got married. You’re 29 and retiring from your corporate job? [weird, twisted face] Umm, I don’t get it. [shaking head] […]
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Vemma, entrepreneurship, mindset, twitter
A huge thank-you to Tim Jahn over at BeyondthePedway.com for this interview. I met Tim at Big Omaha in May – amongst many, many others – so it was wonderful to chat with him 1-on-1 for a bit. Check out the interview, here. And while you’re there, be sure to check out the rest of […]
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corporate, entrepreneurship, interview
It was a honor last week to have been interviewed by Geoff Wood and Andy Brudtkuhl of PrairieCast.com, the “podcast for Midwest entrepreneurs.” We had a great chat that touched upon how I left the corporate world, who inspires me, and what I’m currently working on. Also, for the first time I mention the new […]
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entrepreneurship, interview
For quite some time now – years, really – I’ve invested my time and emotions and love into the success of others. That’s my passion, after all, doing everything I can to inspire others to do a little bit better, every day. However, as a business-person, no matter how large or how small your business […]
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entrepreneurship, giving, investing
Phew, has the buzz about this book been a bit crazy or what!? I’m not sure if it’s author Tony Hsieh’s frequent and awe-inspiring talks that are catching everyone’s attention or the fact that shopping on Zappos.com is just plain fun. Either way, I enjoyed the book that shares the story of how the two […]
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book reviews, entrepreneurship, inspiration