I am frequently asked questions, online and off, about the details surrounding how I quit my job. Before January 2010, when I did it myself, I never realized how many of you amazing folks had similar goals and dreams. Or, I should say that I never realized how many people not only wanted to quit […]
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Q&A, business, corporate, entrepreneurship
A Love Letter to my Former Employer Ah ah ahem. AHEM. – Dear Former Employer, You stuck me in this thing for six and a half years: For that, I will never be the same. I learned in that cloth-lined fortress. I learned so much. I learned that, in business, you can’t always be all […]
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corporate, musings
A huge thank-you to Tim Jahn over at BeyondthePedway.com for this interview. I met Tim at Big Omaha in May – amongst many, many others – so it was wonderful to chat with him 1-on-1 for a bit. Check out the interview, here. And while you’re there, be sure to check out the rest of […]
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corporate, entrepreneurship, interview
It occurred to me a couple days ago that I hadn’t reviewed my life list in several months. I *love* these realizations. It’s a known fact that simply writing down your goals and dreams is a massive step towards actually making them come true. Don’t ask me how, but writing them down clicks something in […]
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corporate, dreams, goal-setting, lifelist
Story time… This is my badge from, let’s call it, The Corp. The photo it displays was taken July 21st, 2003, during the first hour of my first day in the corporate world. I don’t really even recognize this person anymore. The face from six and a half years ago is one of a naive, […]
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corporate, dreams, inspiration
Ha. If you have a few moments to waste, this is a humorous, sarcastic look at many of the reasons why corporate America is sometimes, well…kinda funny. 7 Habits of Hightly Effective Slackers And by funny, I really mean ridiculous.
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corporate, humorous