Book Giveaway WINNERS!

June 7, 2011

photo-18Well looky here, just when I was finally getting used to having five of you lovely readers instead of four, nineteen of you showed your darling faces last week. Nineteen!

You guys rock.

The Lifestyle Design book giveaway requested that you answer the question, “What does lifestyle design mean to you?” and share that answer in the comments.

Three commenters would be chosen at random and win their choice of book from my overflow bookshelf.

Because it is overflowing. You guys, it’s…it’s…it’s…

Let’s not talk about it.

There were nineteen of you. I wrote one through nineteen on strips of paper, threw them into the stainless steel strainer I nabbed from the sink – Hey, it was the closest containery type thing, and kept me from having to run upstairs to grab a hat. See also: I’m lazy. – closed my eyes, and plucked three of them out.

Correction: I plucked four of them out.


The three four lovely winners are:

Craig Timmons
“Lifestyle Design ~ to me is having the awareness & courage to step out into this world and create the life you truly want / dream about, noting we’re all designing our lifestyle everyday ~ we simply may not be aware we are :-) here’s to everyone Designing Awesome Lifestyles that send them to bed and awaken them with :-)s ~ enjoy your city adventure, Annie!”

“Lifestyle Design for me is choosing to LIVE MY BEST every moment of each day! The Freedom to be flexible yet structured!! Living Balanced through my Spiritual,Physical,Mental & Financial Desires! Creating Great Relationships with Family & Friends…..taking care of my grandson Rush (the Next Generation….very important to me)….cooking something really yummy….keeping a small portion for myself and taking the rest to neighbors & friends unexpectantly!! Simply Living with Joy!!! =)”

“Lifestyle design to me is deciding what is most important in your life and doing whatever it takes to have time to do that most important thing your life. I personally like working, so I don’t think less work would be my choice. What I would love is to work on a variety of projects of my choosing and still having time to go swimming with my kids.”

“Books are to be shared! Lifestyle design is dreaming and having those dreams come true”

Congrats, all! Send me an email at annie AT anniesorensen DOT com to claim your prize. If I don’t reply within 24 hours, please please please try again. I don’t want to miss you.

Thanks for taking part in our fun ‘lil giveaway.

To me? Lifestyle design is getting to spend as much time as I can with lovelies like you.


Photo on 2011-06-01 at 17.45


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photo-17Hi, you. Have a good weekend?

I flew in last night after my weekend in Portland, and am floating around today in recovery mode.

I have all sorts of things to share with you. Everything from people watching on the plane and how an old lady kept calling me “little girl” to poems about my coffee cup and observations from the fantasyland that is Powell’s City of Books in downtown Portland. There were boutique hotels and giant parades and good friends, food carts and self-serve yogurt and donuts.

And then there’s the reason I scheduled the trip in the first place – the World Domination Summit. I could write a thousand words on the name, let alone the people I met and the tidbits I learned and the shifts I made in my thinking. More accurately, the shifts I made in my work – what I’m doing, why I’m doing it, and what it all means to me.

I have a lot to think about, and I can’t wait to share it with you.

Before I do, however, I wanted to send you a quick note to say thanks. Not for anything in particular. Just, thanks. Thank you for spending a few seconds of your precious time with me. Thank you for being you.

It means so much.



Every week, Feature Friday will highlight something…cool. It might be a person, it might be a business. It could be a new product, a new site, a new book, a new idea.

There are so many amazing people and stories out there that deserve more attention. Attention from all of you, my five, lovely readers.

This week’s feature is for you if:
– you like to read
– you love to read
– you enjoy talking about what you like to read and love to read
– you enjoy sneaking a peak at what others are talking about what they like to read and love to read
– you like books. Period.


Feature Friday, vol. 2

I was trying my darndest to figure out how I was introduced to Goodreads, and what I came up with was…I have no idea how I was introduced to Goodreads.
Screen shot 2011-06-03 at 3.08.35 PMBut I won’t let that stop me. It’s a cool, cool service. Here is what Goodreads says on their home page:

Have you ever wanted a better way to:
– Get great book recommendations from people you know.
– Keep track of what you’ve read and what you’d like to read.
– Form a book club, answer book trivia, collect your favorite quotes.

Sign up!
It’s free and anyone can join.

Neato, huh? It’s a social network for book geeks.

Book geeks like me. AND YOU! I mean, honestly, if there was any corner of the internet that fits us better…

Here’s a bit more about them:

What Is Goodreads?
Goodreads is the largest social network for readers in the world. We have more than 5,100,000 members who have added more than 150,000,000 books to their shelves. A place for casual readers and bona-fide bookworms alike, Goodreads members recommend books, compare what they are reading, keep track of what they’ve read and would like to read, form book clubs and much more. Goodreads was launched in December 2006.

Our Mission
Goodreads’ mission is to get people excited about reading. Along the way, we plan to improve the process of reading and learning throughout the world.

Why We Do It
Every once in a while you run into a friend who tells you about this “great new book I’m reading.” And suddenly you’re excited to read it. It’s that kind of excitement that Goodreads is all about.

There are hundreds of niche social media sites out there and, unfortunately, I find many of them difficult to use, inconsistent, and just plain boring. Goodreads, though? It’s fabulousness.

Simple. Striking design. Integrated with all of your other profiley profiles. And fun. And useful. And fun. Very, very fun.

I love how it is always suggesting things to you. Try reviewing this list over here, check out these friends over there, go see that book we think you’ll like it. It’s actionable.

Screen shot 2011-06-03 at 3.09.18 PM Screen shot 2011-06-03 at 3.09.33 PMVery actionable.

My favorite feature of Goodreads has to be My Books. My Books is your online bookshelf. It categorizes your books under All, Read, Currently Reading, or To-Read. And that’s exactly how I categorize the real books I have at home. Read, Currently Reading, To-Read.

You do that too, right?

Right? Right?!

* crickets *


One more thing – Goodreads? I don’t use it like I should. It’s an amazing service, and I am the first to admit that I need to spend some quality time snuggling up to it and incorporating it into my life.

Here, let me show you. This is my bookshelf on Goodreads:
Screen shot 2011-06-03 at 3.20.39 PMTwo books are listed. Two…yeah. I mean, honestly, that’s pathetic. Do not as I do, my lovely readers. Do not as I do!

I wonder if they have a widget? So I can embed it and use their service to keep track of my reading list on this site instead of doing it myself? Hmm.

Goodreads, if you’re listening, let’s talk. Thank you for your cooperation. In books we pray amen.


How you can use Goodreads

– Stop by Goodreads main website to take a look around. If you’re feeling adventurous, take the tour.

– If you’d like to check it out, sign up for free.

– If you’re an author, take a look at the Goodreads Author Program.

– Get all the inside scoop by following Goodreads on Twitter.

Books books, we love books!

Thanks for supporting our love obsession, Goodreads. Thank you thank you thank you.

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What if?

June 2, 2011

What if it works?

What if you end up being ok? And it was all just a scare?

What if they say yes?
What if they say no?
What if they say no…and you’re no worse off than before?

What if you really could handle it?
What if you followed your heart…instead of your head?
What if money were no object?

What if it teaches you something?

What if you gave it a shot anyway?

What if they end up being the one?
What if you end up having a good time?
What if you meet someone?

What if it makes you happy? Happier? The happiest you’ve ever been?

What if you can’t stop?

What if they give you the funding?
What if you failed?
What if you survived it all?

What if you made one more call?
What if you got over it?

What if it makes you stronger?
What if it doesn’t hurt?

What if you’re right?
What if they’re right?

What if you told the truth?

What if it was guaranteed?

What if you could do it?
What if you believed in yourself?
What if it was the best decision you ever made?

What if it was worth it in the end?

What if it works?


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Maybe because my shelves are overflowing and something needs to be done to remedy the situation, lest they come crashing down.

Or maybe because I’m in a giving mood. Or a somber mood. Or a happy mood. Or I’m just…moody.

Maybe because I’m reading What difference do it make? and it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Or because it feels like a Tuesday even though it’s already Wednesday. Bonus!

Or perhaps because I’m flying out oh-dark-early on Friday morning for a fun city I’ve never been to and am pretty pumped about it. And I’ll get to see old friends. And make new friends. And create new ideas. And maybe learn a thing or two in the process. And maybe just maybe I booked myself a fancy schmancy room in an award-winning boutique hotel right downtown, and spoiling myself is fun.

And all of that makes me happy.

Or maybe because you deserve it. All five of you, my lovely, lovely readers.

But today I thought I should give something away. A giveaway! I am often gifted books, or sent them for promotional reasons, and when you couple that with the fact that I tend to purchase books on my own immediately upon their release, I often end up with duplicates.

In some cases, multiplicates.

(WordPress says that isn’t a word. I disagree. The end.)

Here’s how it works: Comment below, I will choose THREE comments at random, and if you are one of those three you will be the lucky recipient of…of…of…

A book of your choice!

Ok, let’s clarify that a bit. It’s not any book of your choice, it’s your choice between one of two books:

The Thank You Economy Gary Vaynerchuk


The 4-Hour Work Week: Extended and Updated edition Tim Ferriss

Photo on 2011-06-01 at 17.48This one

Photo on 2011-06-01 at 17.48 #2 this one.

Comment below. If you’re chosen, pick your book, and I’ll send it right to your lovely doorstep. Easy as pie.

You should comment. You really should. Because I love you, all five six of you. Oh, and you deserve it.

What should you comment about? Glad you asked. Share your answer to the question:

What does lifestyle design mean to you?

There are no wrong answers. It could be something like “financial independence” or “doing what I want when I want” or it could be something more straight forward, like “family” or “travel.” Share whatever first pops into your head.

Comments will be closed at 6PM CST on Thursday, June 2nd. The winners will then be chosen and notified.

Photo on 2011-06-01 at 17.45
Good luck!


UPDATE: Comments are now closed. Thanks, all! Winners announced soon.

Winners announced!


Cuteness overload

May 31, 2011

You guys, I can’t handle it. A few minutes ago, cuteness exploded onto my television.

And then, after a quick query, it infected my computer.

And I’m not sure I can handle it. So I’m passing it along to you.

Also: I dare you – double, triple, super dog DARE you – not to smile.

Oh. And, you’re welcome.

(If you can’t see the video, click here)


Asking for help

May 31, 2011

Photo on 2011-05-31 at 20.18 #2The phrase I find myself saying most often when at a conference or networking event is, “Let me know what I can do to help you out.”

I was thinking about that today. And about how often I say it compared to…compared to…well, we’ll get to that in a minute.

My offers are sincere. When meeting someone new or catching up with an old friend, they are inevitably up to something exciting. Launching a new project, applying for a new job, supporting a new goal, all sorts of things. And after learning about whatever New they are working on, offering to help and support them as they work towards that goal seems pretty natural. It just kinda flows on out.

So, I do it all the time.


But. But but but. Pay attention, this is big. This is a biiiig but.

You have to be ready.

And you might know where I’m going with this.

Are you ready?
You sure?

Ok, here is the but:

No one ever takes me up on it.

No one ever takes me up on it!

Well, I don’t want to say ever. But rarely. Practically never ever. Once in a blue moon.

And let me just state here for the record, or for the Universe, or for God, or for whomever, that if every, single person I met and offered to help actually took me up on their offer AND expected more than a minute or two I would…I would…I would might maybe just die. My Gmail calendar would explode and it would hurt and there would be tears and I would die. The end.

However. However! No one takes me up on it. Not a one. And I don’t think it’s a personal thing, as even though I never wear anything other than my beloved blazer at an event, I’m pretty sure my clothes don’t stink more than the next gal’s do and last I checked I’m not too scary and I don’t bite too much anymore, so that can’t be it.

(“I never wear anything other than my beloved blazer”
Hmm, I don’t think that came out right. I never wear anything? As in, I wear nothing? Except my blazer?)

(Only on the weekends.)

If it’s not personal, I reason, then it must happen to everybody.

Very, very, very few folks actually send me a note or give me a call and take me up on my offer to spend a minute or two supporting their efforts. Yup, a minute or two. We’re not talking about a massive commitment here, just a helping hand.

I may be supportive, but I’m not insane. :)

As I was thinking about this today, I turned the tables on myself, on my own thought. How often had I reached out to others for help? Especially to those that had offered? Once, twice, maybe three times?


Why do we do this?

Why do we have the natural tendancy to NOT ask for help? To try and do it all on our own? All by ourselves?

Why, when someone offers to help, do we rarely, if ever, take them up on their offer?

I don’t know what it is. But I think we should get over ourselves. Don’t you?

Maybe it happens more than I realize, it just hasn’t infiltrated my world.
Who knows.

We’re not talking about major stuff here, we’re talking little things. Little bitty things. A short-and-sweet question. A respectful request for promotion. A small trade. A couple minutes of someone’s time.

We’re all in this together and, from what I’ve experienced, more of you are supportive and willing to help out than…not.

The community wants to help! You just have to go out there and ask for it.

We just have to go out there and ask for it.


P.S. That photo up above? It was an attempt at making a question mark with my hands. And it worked! Sort of.



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Long weekends at home

May 30, 2011

Long weekends at home are for relaxing.

And sighing. Heh huuhhhhhhhhh.

Long weekends at home are for heading downtown to meet friends, parking, meeting up, and THEN deciding what to do and where to go.

And then deciding to get sushi.
And then realizing that the place you chose has an all-night happy hour.


Long weekends at home are for golfing, for them.
Long weekends at home are for aimlessly shopping, for us.

Long weekends at home are for cooking entire meals on the grill.

Long weekends at home are for sleeping in.
And then making super-eggs with everything you found in the fridge.
And then making coffee.
And then wasting away half the day on the porch, reading and sipping.

Long weekends at home are for grilling out with the neighbors, sipping a margarita at 1pm, and winning the boards & bags tournament.

And then walking home and cooling in the air conditioning.

And then opening a bottle of wine.


Long weekends at home are for finally reading that pile of magazines that’s collected on the dining room chair that one of you has read but the other hasn’t and you’re starting to lose track and laughing about opinions that Steve Forbes wrote about related to the news, like, in January.

Long weekends at home are for buying the canine a new rawhide and catching up on your Netflix instant streaming queue.

Long weekends at home are for finally buying your annuals from the hardware store, only to realize that it’s too dang hot already and you don’t feel like planting them.

And not really caring.

Except when you glance at them twenty-four hours after you set them on the cement by the trash can in the driveway and they were sagging and wilted and grey.


Long weekends at home at delicious.
And usually contain chocolate.
Specifically, frozen Dove bars.
Maybe even an entire box of them.
(You didn’t hear it from me.)

Long weekends at home are for discussing the future while washing the dishes.
And being pretty darn excited about it.

Long weekends at home are…long weekends at home are for…they’re for…they’re…they’re just…


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