
They’re random, personal, and sometimes incomplete. And they’re always weird. They’re tidbits From The Notebook. Here are a few things my notebook, unedited, has had to say the past month: 3-23-12 [Encourage + Inspire] How can I do more of both? 3-23-12, later, in car to Iowa! Blog Post Idea: W/ rental props, it is […]

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Dear Babygirl, I walk up the stairs, your new lamp in hand. Into the nursery, I set it on the side table. It looks cute. Nice purchase, I tell myself. It’s late afternoon, around 5 o’clock. A bad time of day for me and my energy levels. The rocker looks comfy. Real comfy. I decide […]


Dear Babygirl, I was talking to one of your grandmas yesterday and, without really thinking, mentioned how you have blonde hair and blue eyes. I don’t know this, of course, but it just kind of makes sense. Your Daddy and I are both blonde and blue, why wouldn’t you be? Your grandma politely reminded me […]


— For more in the Dear Babygirl series: Letters to my Unborn Daughter —


Dear Babygirl, We need to talk. You know your Mama, I’m not much of a girly girl. Don’t get me wrong, I have grown into a few girly tendencies over the years – pedicures, eyebrow waxes, pickiness about my brand of make-up – but overall I’m a pretty straightforward, unfussy, no-drama kind of gal. Someone […]


Dear Babygirl, Today is Easter, and I can’t help but think what we will be doing, all three of us, next year at this time. You will be almost one year-old by then, crawling around the house, or perhaps even teetering on newly discovered walking feet. Maybe we’ll be up in Iowa with family, you […]

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I’m weird because… I’m a homebody. I make a meal out of popcorn at least once a week. I am a terrible snob about my jeans but buy almost all my tops at Target. I’m unnecessarily scared of tornadoes even though I’ve never been in one. I kind of like the melanoma scar I have […]


Next up in the Dear Babygirl series? My own Mama. When I asked her what she would say to Babygirl, her first grandchild, she wrote the following: Dear Granddaughter (for now, we call you Babygirl), You’re due to be born in a few weeks and I’ve been thinking a lot about the memories that you’ll […]