A grandma’s letter to her unborn granddaughter

April 3, 2012

Next up in the Dear Babygirl series? My own Mama.

When I asked her what she would say to Babygirl, her first grandchild, she wrote the following:

Dear Granddaughter (for now, we call you Babygirl),

You’re due to be born in a few weeks and I’ve been thinking a lot about the memories that you’ll immediately start creating for your Mama. When I think of your Mama’s first years of life, a movie’s worth of memories scrolls through my mind…

– When your Mama was born and the nurse put her on my chest, she didn’t cry. Instead she looked at me with wide eyes, just checking out the world. For a moment it was so quiet that I heard a small sniffle and realized it was her Daddy’s emotional reaction to the miracle of seeing his first child.

– She seemed older than her years from the very start. Sleeping through the night began at six weeks of age. Crawling and walking were right on schedule. Although she was a little late to start talking, once that started her vocabulary grew quickly.

– Her long-distance Grandma up in North Dakota longed to hear her voice on the phone, but bashfulness usually kept that from happening. We did make long annual treks up to Pelican Lake in Minnesota to see Grandma, and she never forgot your Mama’s announcement upon arrival that the lake was “a yong, yong ways” and certainly had “yots and yots of water.”

– It will come as no surprise to you that your Mama’s love of reading started at an early age. When her sister was born, she was determined to drop a Golden Book or two into the bassinet so baby sister would have something to read.

– Your Mama loved school and cried when we told her that a case of chicken pox would keep her at home and missing preschool for a few days.

We can’t wait for your arrival and your chance to start creating your own unique memories for your Mama and Daddy.

We love you already.
Grandmama P.

Thanks, Mom. :)

Other letters in the Dear Babygirl series:
A letter to my unborn daughter
Another letter to my unborn daughter
Yet another letter to my unborn daughter
A 4th letter to my unborn daughter
A 5th letter to my unborn daughter

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