

Hi, you. Have a good weekend? I flew in last night after my weekend in Portland, and am floating around today in recovery mode. I have all sorts of things to share with you. Everything from people watching on the plane and how an old lady kept calling me “little girl” to poems about my […]


Cuteness overload

May 31, 2011

You guys, I can’t handle it. A few minutes ago, cuteness exploded onto my television. And then, after a quick query, it infected my computer. And I’m not sure I can handle it. So I’m passing it along to you. Also: I dare you – double, triple, super dog DARE you – not to smile. […]


Long weekends at home

May 30, 2011

Long weekends at home are for relaxing. And sighing. Heh huuhhhhhhhhh. Long weekends at home are for heading downtown to meet friends, parking, meeting up, and THEN deciding what to do and where to go. And then deciding to get sushi. And then realizing that the place you chose has an all-night happy hour. Mmm. […]

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This child

May 27, 2011

photo 22

Ohh, this child. She makes my ovaries hurt. Pang. Ping. Pang pang. Whoops. That was them. “Hi, Auntie!” I mean, honestly, can we take note of those cheeks. Those cheeks could spark world peace. This child also makes me laugh. I turn on the front-facing camera on my iPhone. She notices it. “My! Look at […]


A basement list

May 25, 2011

Basement hideout

1. Our home is an old, cute Tudor in the center of the city of Kansas City. Nooks and crannies, tons of character, oddly wonderful smells – we love it. We’ve also had to remodel every piece of it since we moved in over 4 years ago. But that’s another story for another time. A […]


I’m a notebook kind of gal. Have we discussed this? The past couple years I’ve molded into an I-never-do-not-have-my-notebook-with-me type of person. It serves as my scratch pad, my list of reminders, my diary, and, often, my sanity. Amongst the scribble of the garage code for the rental property and my grocery list from last […]

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Hey you, my favorite reader. (Shh, don’t tell the other one!) I have a favor to ask. Will you watch this video for me? Pretty please? And then, if it’s not too much, will you pass it on? It can be to just one person, that’s fine. Oh, two people? See, that’s why you’re my […]


Yesterday evening, while digging for something else, I ran into a few pieces of writing on an old hard drive. A few oooold pieces of writing on an oooold hard drive. Most of what I found was…atrocious. Let’s just say that it will never, never ever ever, ever ever see the light of day. But […]

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