
2010-01-21 20.54.25

It’s been 2 years. I am so, so grateful.

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I was recently introduced to an interesting way of defining a business; high-growth and lifestyle. Per, here are the definitions of each: Lifestyle business: A small business that reflects the general lifestyle of the individual entrepreneur. Lifestyle businesses are not high-growth enterprises. The principal objective is to generate “adequate” income while living where the […]

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For the past several years, Chris Brogan has defined his goals/resolutions for each year with a series of words. I follow a lot of Chris’ writing via his blog and upon reading about his method for setting his annual goals last year, I thought I’d give it a try. I liked his method. (You can […]


I ran into an old version of my resume last weekend. I was cleaning out a storage container from the basement, one mostly full of electronics from at least a decade ago. Quality use of storage space, Annie! Not. Amongst the ZIP disk and the TI-85 was a lovely, leather resume holder. And inside – […]


Planning Your No-Plan Time

November 28, 2011

It’s kind of cheating to create a blog post entirely out of someone else’s writing, but this one was too good to keep to myself. Jonathan Fields, author, wellness entrepreneur, and speaker on such things as book marketing, embracing creativity, and easing fear and uncertainty in business, posted the excerpt below on his site at […]


What are you excited about?

November 21, 2011

Nothing too complicated in this question: what’s coming up in the next week, the next month, even the next year, that you’re excited about? That you’re looking forward to? This week… I’m excited about Thanksgiving. I’m excited about seeing family. I’m excited to catch up on a little reading. Seth Godin, anyone? Jane Green, perhaps? […]


Kill the snake

November 14, 2011

The company I worked for in my former life used to have a comprehensive program for new employees, a week-long class on company culture and history, policies and expectations. As much as I’m not a fan of corporate – to absolutely no fault of the company I was a part of – there was one […]

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How I built – and continue to build – my network marketing business: Simply. By saying less to more people. With a sense of urgency. By asking a lot of questions. By treating it as a serious, professional business. Not a hobby. By never forgetting why I’m doing what I’m doing. By always remembering the […]