For a long time, I really struggled with the underlying reason why I wanted different things for my life than most other people. Why I wanted Different, I had no idea, I just knew that I did. That frustrated me and often made me feel guilty. Why was everyone else supposedly ok with the same […]
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business, lifestyle design, motivation
The Weekend Millionaire’s Secrets to Investing in Real Estate by Mike Summey & Roger Dawson This book has been on my shelf for as long as I can remember. I’ve avoided it for years. For some reason last month, I finally plucked it off the book shelf and sat down to start skimming its contents. […]
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books, business, real estate
Me: You should have called me! I would have been happy to help you. Them: Oh, I thought about it, but I didn’t want to bother you. You’re so busy! – Them: You have a blog? Me: Yup. I love to write. Them: Wow… Me: What? Them: Well, I just don’t know how you can […]
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Personal Development, business
I don’t like to write about these types of things very often, but this one is too good to pass up. Are you familiar with Adam Baker of Or Karol Gajda of Or their joint project, a massive digital information product sale that only comes around once or twice a year, Well, […]
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Personal Development, books, business, information product, motivation
My typical day to day comings and goings don’t take me past the campus of the corporation where I used to work. It’s not too far from our house, but just doesn’t happen to be in a direction that I drive towards for grocery store runs or coffee shop appointments or trips to Babies ‘R […]
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business, corporate, time-freedom
Your kids. Your spouse. Your job. No money. Too much money. Too much debt. Too much success. Too much failure. Your age. Your friends. Your lack of friends. Reasons. Excuses. They can only be one or the other. They can’t be both. How you categorize them is up to you, and is under no one […]
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attitude, business, inspiration, motivation
I’m proud to be a part of this company: Great products. Even better marketing. Makes my job a lot easier. — What’s Verve? Good question. It got me out of my corporate cubicle for good. Here’s more of the story. —
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Network Marketing, Vemma, Verve, business, video
Leadership is hard. You can’t lead people that don’t want to be lead. You can try, but it’s like trying to motivate a dead horse to just trot a few more yards. No amount of enthusiasm or arm-waving or encouragement is gonna do it. It’s out of your control. But you can make a difference […]
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business, leadership, motivation