I just watched a webinar that made several of its points by sharing example after example of personal stories. All of them were great, actually, and really added to the understanding and purpose of the presentation. However, they were all introduced as, “John Smith, The Word Guy” or “Jane Doe, Mrs Spreadsheet” or “Suzie Homemaker, […]
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business, personal branding
The worker bees here at [anniesorensen.com] have worked their magic and my logo is featured today – along with 25 others – on IWearYourShirt.com. Fancy, eh? A huge thank you to Jason Sadler and everyone on the IWYS team. If you’re not familiar with Jason or his business, the short version is that he wears […]
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personal branding, random, social media
Are you on Tumblr? I’ve had an account for a while, as I think it’s one of the most powerful blogging platforms out there (with all of its integrated social networking snazzyness), but since this site is my home base I wasn’t quite sure how to use it. I think I’ve figured it out. AnnieSorensen.com […]
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blogging, personal branding, tumblr
The other day I was honored with the opportunity to share content with Rod Villagomez and post an article on his blog. Rod is a professional broadcaster, passionate social media enthusiast, and one of the nicest guys on the ‘net. My guest post covered one of my most passionate topics – the power of your […]
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guest post, personal branding
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about DNA. Behind successful people in every niche are many years of growing and developing, personally motivating themselves to develop into the type of person that CAN be successful. Only gaining the success (and often, in turn, the money) up to the point that they have developed themselves. Millionaires […]
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Personal Development, entrepreneurship, passion, personal branding
Another fantastic video from personal branding superstar Gary Vaynerchuk. I love how Gary brings up topics that the vast majority of the business world has never specifically stated, yet are so simple. Common sense, even. I guess they are very much like a great personal development book in that sense. Today Gary passionately responded to […]
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gary vaynerchuk, personal branding