Dear Babygirl, So, my feet have morphed into unrecognizable rectangles lately. We’ve discussed this. It’s common knowledge in this household that your mama is retaining water like a champ. It’s no big deal, really. If that’s the worst of my concerns I think I’m doing ok. Anyway, last night, as your Daddy and I were […]
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Lil Sorensen, letter, musings
Dear Babygirl, Remember when I told you the dream that Daddy had about you the other day? The one where you spoke your first word at a genius-level age of 3 months old and that that first word wasn’t just Dada or doggie, but rigamarole? Hehee. It still makes me laugh. Well, I had a […]
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Lil Sorensen, letter, musings
Dear Babygirl, This morning, while we were eating breakfast, your Daddy said that he had a dream about you. “You did?” I said. “That’s fun. What was it about?” “It was about how she started talking really early. Like, at three months old.” he replied. I had walked into the other room, I think to […]
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Lil Sorensen, letter, musings
Dear Babygirl, We were doing so well. There had been a slight swelling the past month or so, but nothing major. It was manageable. I was still frequently reaching for my high heels and had no problem walking around in public wearing capris or even – gasp! – a dress. It’s been a warm spring, […]
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Lil Sorensen, letter, musings
Dear Babygirl, I hope you have your Daddy’s eyes. They’re a more striking shade of blue than mine, prettier when up against a green shirt. Speaking of green, you have one green dress in your closet. Just one. All of the rest, I’m sorry to say, are pink. Every shade of pink is represented in […]
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Lil Sorensen, letter, musings
I have a very distinct memory of a random Wednesday during my senior year in college. I had received my job offer for the snazzy cubicle in Kansas City back in November, so the spring semester was an enjoyable, stress-free final four months of college for me. I had the job. I had the plans. […]
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musings, story
I’m pretty sure I posted this on Facebook a few months ago, but I ran into it again today and, honestly, it’s just so darn entertaining. So, because it’s a random Tuesday in March and because you deserve a giggle, you need to spend two and a half minutes and eat this up: Why don’t […]
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musings, video
Congratulations Mollie Jorgensen and Roog! I randomly selected a couple commenters and you two won the prize: a book of your choice from There are many, choose wisely. Winners email me at annie AT anniesorensen DOT com to claim your prizes! Thanks for all of the wonderful responses, everyone. — Today… …because I finished […]
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giveaway, musings, questions