
Friday Fun

January 21, 2011

A bit ‘o fun for you on this Friday. Just because. First, a testament to what happens when you gather half a dozen geeky, blogging, entrepreneurs in a small, Ohio town; charades. We all look ridiculous, but I hear that’s kind of the point. (Thanks to Adam & Courtney Baker of for the compilation.) […]


Thanksgiving 2010

November 29, 2010

A couple quick, informal thoughts I recorded last week while home with family over Thanksgiving. There are so many things to be grateful for – YOU, most definitely included. Not many useful tidbits here, just me saying hi, being goofy, and most importantly, saying thank you. On a different note – ack! The holiday season […]

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Annie Sorensen - 30 Things You Didn't Know About Me

A couple years ago I filled one of these things out on Facebook and, much to my dismay surprise, it was kind of fun. I thought I didn’t enjoy them, yet I smile every time I read one from someone else, so I guess I do like them? Ugh. Anyway, here’s an unsolicited list of […]


In other words, THANKS

August 11, 2010

I don’t know about you, but when my schedule gets most hectic, I tend to focus more on appreciation. So, today I appreciate: …BK Boreyko, for truly having our best interests at heart. …The Hubz, for his ever-expanding visions. …Grant & Carrie Peelle, for the reassurance that there actually ARE crazy people out there that […]


Annie Unfiltered

Are you on Tumblr? I’ve had an account for a while, as I think it’s one of the most powerful blogging platforms out there (with all of its integrated social networking snazzyness), but since this site is my home base I wasn’t quite sure how to use it. I think I’ve figured it out. […]


May Link Round-Up

May 10, 2010

Betty White on SNL

Wha? This here website thing is a blog? That I’m supposed to update on a regular basis? NO WAY YA’LL. I thought I’d break my things-have-been-insane-around-the-Sorensen-compound-but-that’s-no-excuse blog silence by sharing a few things I’ve loved lately. I hope you find some benefit from them, too. TokBox TokBox is a free video conferencing service. And it’s […]


For the past few weeks my local newspaper, the Kansas City Star, has been requesting readers to send in their autobiographies. But they didn’t want full-length novels. They wanted an autobiography of our lives using just six words. I thought this was fascinating and went to work thinking about what mine would be. A few […]



Story time… This is my badge from, let’s call it, The Corp. The photo it displays was taken July 21st, 2003, during the first hour of my first day in the corporate world. I don’t really even recognize this person anymore. The face from six and a half years ago is one of a naive, […]