So. There have been a few exciting things happening lately within the Vemma & Verve world, and by few I really mean TONS and by exciting I really mean CRAZY RIDICULOUS. Seriously, this has been an enormous month, summer, and year for Vemma as a company and all of its members. The corporate leadership has […]
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Network Marketing, Vemma, Verve
A quick highlight of one of the websites on the blogroll that’s specifically related to my network marketing business with Vemma and Verve, the personal blog of Tyler and Mimi Ford. For those looking for product information, business tips, and corporate updates on Vemma and Verve, the Ford’s site is second to none. It […]
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Network Marketing, Vemma, Verve, website
Completely enamored this morning with the Verve commercial on healthy energy that Vemma/Verve corporate created and posted to YouTube earlier this month. They’re always doing things like this; continually building the brand’s credibility to make our jobs easier. Impressive. YouTube: Verve Healthy Energy – What a concept!
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Network Marketing, Verve, health
An enormous part of my personal development over the past 2 years and my business success is Vemma Nutrition. If you’d like, you can read a bit more about my network marketing background here, but the short story is that I would not be where I am today without the network marketing industry, Vemma corporate, […]
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Network Marketing, Vemma, Verve, health, supplementation, wellness