It’s easy to do, many things are. It’s also easy not to do. That’s the tricky part. ‘It’ meaning, well…everything. Which side will you choose? Reasons for doing something are often identical to the excuses for not doing them. Reasons versus excuses is really just a point of view. A choice. I don’t have any […]
It’s quite obvious that I spend an exorbitant amount of my time reading. Going through a book or two a week I’m often asking myself the “Which book should I read next?” question. Finishing a book last night, I started thinking this morning about my thought process in picking my next one. So why is […]
Every day bajillions of people start a new venture. They decide to start a photography business, they decide to open a Subway franchise, they decide to create a Facebook fan page, they decide to start selling bowling balls. Whatever. With each of those decisions and all the choices that were mulled over, how many choices […]