

You guys. You guys, this place… YOU GUYS. I can’t, I can’t even, I can barely even talk about it. It’s in Portland, Oregon. It’s the size of an entire city block. And they hand you a floor map – a map – when you walk in. I just…you just have to…I can’t…it’s… Sigh. Can […]


I just heard a fantastic quote from famous and best selling author, and publishing voice Seth Godin: “I think there is something neurological that happens when we read the right book on the right day.” Seth went on to explain that there is just something about a book, about what it can do, that a […]



Herringbone Spine Bookcase I want one. Conceal Invisible Bookshelf Want one. The Infinity BookcaseWANT ONE! Do you think I could fit it in my office?


Book Giveaway WINNERS!

June 7, 2011


Well looky here, just when I was finally getting used to having five of you lovely readers instead of four, nineteen of you showed your darling faces last week. Nineteen! You guys rock. The Lifestyle Design book giveaway requested that you answer the question, “What does lifestyle design mean to you?” and share that answer […]

1 comment

Screen shot 2011-06-03 at 3.08.35 PM

Every week, Feature Friday will highlight something…cool. It might be a person, it might be a business. It could be a new product, a new site, a new book, a new idea. There are so many amazing people and stories out there that deserve more attention. Attention from all of you, my five, lovely readers. […]

I Want Your Feedback Here -->

Photo on 2011-06-01 at 17.48

Maybe because my shelves are overflowing and something needs to be done to remedy the situation, lest they come crashing down. Or maybe because I’m in a giving mood. Or a somber mood. Or a happy mood. Or I’m just…moody. Maybe because I’m reading What difference do it make? and it makes me feel all […]


Books make me…

May 16, 2011

Photo on 2011-05-16 at 19.21

Books make me… …happy. …remember how much I don’t know. …inspired. Sometimes reading… …is relaxing. …is frustrating. …makes me late. Oh my God does it make me late. Books… …unite people. …are sold at airports. …are cherished… …and sometimes burned. (Sad!) Libraries… …are under-used. …are under-supported. …sometimes smell like old-lady smell. …can transform a third-world […]


I was sitting at the library earlier today and got to thinking about book clubs. Specifically, why the heck haven’t I joined one of those things? My local newspaper, the Kansas City Star, has a really big book club that they cover quite regularly. I’m a pretty big fan of this newspaper, especially considering it’s […]