I hope you get the corner office.
I hope you get the first class seat.
I hope you plant the flag at the top of the mountain.
I hope you reach for your place amongst the stars.
I hope you write the book.
I hope you direct the play.
I hope you score the winning point, make their food from scratch, invent the new vaccine.
That is, if you want to.
I hope you get the corner office, if you want it.
I hope you get the first class seat, if you want it.
I hope you find the wisdom to figure that out. The what you want part.
And the courage to change it if you didn’t get it on the first try.
(Hint: you probably won’t.)
I hope you walk those dogs to the very best of your God-given abilities. If you want to.
I hope you find the gumption to ditch the leashes. If you want to.
I hope you know you can be yourself, and decide for yourself, and love yourself. Even if others try to derail you. Because they will.
I hope you find the tracks again. Your tracks. Those laid just for you, that will lead you to your joy.
I hope you plant the flag at the top of the mountain.
I hope you reach for your place amongst the stars.
If you want to.
I hope you enjoy the ride. Love it. Embrace it.
Chaos. Life. Happiness. Sorrow.
I hope you love your train, your tracks, for what it is. For what they are. Yours. A mixture of good and bad, ups and downs, yes’s and no’s. The mixture is beautiful because it’s you. Because it’s not perfect. And therefore it is.
I hope you look into the mirror and see you. Not the you that others see, but the you that you know is there. The real one.
And then I hope you pause, then smile.
I hope you realize that it’s all going to be okay. If you want it to be.
I hope you write the book.
I hope you direct the play.
I hope you score the winning point, make their food from scratch, invent the new vaccine. That is, if you desire it.
Want to. Decide to.
Ready? Go.
T-minus 13 days until Santa makes his annual visit! If you still need gift ideas, this might help.
Ho ho ho with cherries on top!
P.S. If you liked this post, check out a few other weird and wacky poem-like posts here: AS.com poemity poem-type stuff.