Book Review: UnMarketing by Scott Stratten

November 17, 2010

I finally had a moment to review UnMarketing: Stop Marketing, Start Engaging by Scott Stratten. Scott, on Twitter, is insightful, caring, goofy, personable, and inspiring. I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised then when I found his brand-name book insightful, caring, goofy, personable, and inspiring. Add honest and entertaining and straightforward to the list for the book, and you’ve got yourself a winner.

What I enjoyed the most were the numerous true stories of companies and brands interacting online – how they messed up, how they fixed it (sometimes), how they won customers, how they lost them. Scott is a great storyteller. The stories were entertaining, but also added a real-life application to the book, driving his points home.

Here’s my review (click here if you cannot see the video):

It’s an action-item creating read. No fluff. No generalities. Applicable to big and small brands alike. Definitely worth your time if you’re looking to really make progress with your brand’s social media engagement online, and have a good time doing it. It’s not a huge, complex-concepts type of read, but a simple, fun, straightforward one.

So! What book(s) are you focusing on right now? Do share.

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