It was ok.
I guess.
a) Because it was 4th of July weekend, three years ago, and we were worried we would miss the fireworks.
Correction: I was worried I would miss the fireworks.
b) Because a giant, glowing hand was attacking us.
c) Because it was hot and melting in the heat wasn’t in our plans that evening.
d) Because the print on my dress was, was, was…frightening.
e) Because our limbs had suddenly grown.
It was concerning.
f) Because someone announced that the world was out of coffee beans.
g) Because Hubz was wearing a lavender tie.
h) Because Hubz was wearing pinstripes.
i) Because Hubz’s wife fiance was wearing a dress. A dress!
He was in shock.
j) Because we had recently gotten engaged and…do you know how much florist’s cost?!
k) Because it was dark and we couldn’t find our way home.
l) Because I ate the last of the cucumber salad the night before.
I’m always eating the last of the cucumber salad.
Why can’t I ever remember to ask him if he wants any before taking the last bite?
Oh well, I have other good qualities.
m) Because I had just ran out of books to read.
n) Because we were fighting.
o) Because we weren’t fighting.
p) Because we loved each other so, so much.
q) We weren’t scared.
We were 8000 feet above sea level and just had a little too much wine.
I’m off the grid for a few days, ya’ll. Have a fabulous holiday weekend! See you in a week.
Phew. Did that title wear you out, too?
I’m really excited for this one:
Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption
It was a gift from my Mesa, Arizona buddy Danny King and, well, just check out that title!
Survival. Resilience. Redemption.
And it’s non-fiction.
So, I wanted to ask you, what’s occupying space on your shelf that you can’t wait to dive into?
Share share share!
I just might need to come over and steal it away from ya.
Juta is a plush toy kind of gal.
It’s either a rawhide that she can chew and eat, or stuffed, cartoony looking animals. She won’t touch anything else.
She’ll cherish any new plush that comes into the house. Walking up and wagging at it when she thinks we aren’t looking, gently carrying it around, drooling all over it. She’ll pick it up and carry it around and deposit it, saliva and all, into our laps.
The newest toy is the one she will pick out of her toy box nine out of ten times.
She’ll continue the niceties with her newest friend until one day, without explanation, she turns.
And darnit if that poor stuffed animal ever has a chance. It’s gutted and stripped of its squeaker and, in a matter of minutes, turned into a flat, lifeless shell of its former self.
It covers our living room in fluff.
Speaking of which, how is it possible that such a seemingly small stuffed animal can include THAT MUCH stuffing?
Seriously. How?
Do you know? If so, please educate this fluff-picker-upper at your earliest possible convenience. Thank you for your cooperation.
Last weekend was the punkin’s birthday. Four years old! So along with a couple treats from the barkery just down the street from our house, this fellow joined our household.
(Barkery. Isn’t that the greatest name for a place that sells dog treats?)
His tag said he was a chimpanzee. I believe we named him Chester.
Poor Chester.
He doesn’t stand a chance.
Right up there with coffee and wine, books and hats, canines and movies and Minnesota lake country, my list of loves also includes fireworks.
I’m not really sure why I love fireworks so much. They’re loud, pretty, and typically associated with some kind of special event or holiday.
But I think I also enjoy them because they command a certain type of respect. When fireworks go off, people stop what they’re doing, pause their conversations, and watch.
Not too many other things in life so easily and quickly grab our attention.
And then there’s the firework smoke smell. Yum!
We kicked off our weekend by going to the Royals game on Friday night, and after every Friday night home game in Kauffman Stadium is an impressive fireworks display. It’s a fun tradition that’s been kept up for quite a few years now.
We’re flying off to Mexico later this week to spend a little beach time, so we won’t be in the country for the 4th of July.
We’re flying off to Mexico later this week.
To spend a little beach time.
Sorry. I just had to type that out one more time.
Moving on.
I was glad to get a few fireworks under my belt this weekend.
It made my list of loves very, very happy.
P.S. What’s on your list of loves? Do you allow yourself to enjoy them as often as you can?
P.P.S. Firework smoke smell! You’re a fan, yes?
P.P.P.S. tap tap This thing on?
I was talking with a friend this morning about networking online. Specifically, how there is such a fine line between wasting time on social media and making productive use of social media. It’s a balance between entertainment and fun, and meaningful and useful.
I shot a quick video last summer about one of the areas of “networking online” that I think a lot of people overlook. Some of you might have seen it, many of you might not have. So for this summery Monday morning, I thought I’d pull it out of the archives for you.
Happy commenting!
Poor blog comments. They’re old school, unsexy, and rarely discussed. But do you realize how powerful they are?
Thoughts? Is regularly commenting on blogs an important piece of your social media day? If it’s not, should it be?
You guys.
You guys, this place…
I can’t, I can’t even, I can barely even talk about it.
It’s in Portland, Oregon.
It’s the size of an entire city block.
And they hand you a floor map – a map – when you walk in.
I just…you just have to…I can’t…it’s…
Can you just put walking through its doors on your life list? For my sake? Pretty please?
That’s all I ask.
Bookity bookity boo,
I’m the kind of character that loves working from home, but struggles with it sometimes.
And isn’t afraid to admit it.
I’m the kind of character that writes because she loves it, but hopes beyond hope that at least one person out there finds a tiny bit of inspiration or hope or…laughter?…from her writing.
But she would do it anyway, even if there wasn’t.
I’m the kind of character that tends to hesitate to push herself, yet jumps at the challenge when someone else doubts her.
I’m the kind of character who believes that anyone can improve their situation, if they simply decide to make a change.
If they decide to push through the fear of change.
I’m the kind of character who thrives on self-education, making a difference, and connecting with others.
I’m the kind of character who used to think she “worked hard for the money.”
The artist put those words on this drawing for me, but I believed them wholeheartedly.
Now that phrase makes me crinkle up my nose and wonder how I changed so much. It makes me think about how I still work hard, but in a totally, completely, 1000% different way.
(I wonder if my mouse still loves me, even if I tethered its cord long, long ago? :) )
I’m the kind of character who thinks it’s important to sit back once in a while and review who you are and where you’re going.
The kind of character who gets a kick out of finding an old, forgotten artist’s rendering of herself and how much it makes her think about where she was and what she was like at the time it was created.
(Early 2004, by the way.)
What kind of character are you?