Dear Babygirl,
Hey hey, precious peanut.
I haven’t written you a letter in a while, so I thought I’d give it a go.
Did you know that you’re going to have a sister? I still can’t believe it myself.
Two baby girls. Two girls. Sisters! How special.
My mom always told me the story about how she cried right before I first met my little sister, your aunt. They returned home from the hospital, snuggling their second bundle of joy, and as I walked in the door with your Grandpa, after having been retrieved from the babysitter’s house, she looked at me and was overwhelmed with how much my life was about to change. I had no idea what was about to happen, and it made her all teary.
I look at you now, only one month younger in this process than I was with my sister, and I think a lot of the same things.
Do you have any idea how things will change?
(How will things really change?)
Would you always feel like something was missing if you never grew up with a sister?
Will you feel like you have a built-in best friend?
Will you love her? Adore her? Despise her? Annoy her?
I look at you now, and I think all of these things. Simultaneously. They are good things and worrisome things and I-just-can’t-help-but-think-about-these-things things.
You’re going to have a sister. You’re going to be a sister. And it’s going to be great. So very, very great.
Even when it’s…not.
You better lock up your favorite jeans now, girl. Trust me on this one.
Can’t wait to welcome you into the I Have a Fantastic Sister club. It’s an incredibly honorable place to be.
Love you so much,
For more in the Dear Babygirl series: Letters to my Daughter