
My favorite chick lit author, Jane Green, has just released a new book. Chick lit. Kind of an unfortunate category title. Don’t you think? Anyway, I love me a good Jane Green novel. I read Jemima J, one of her earlier works, eight or nine years ago and was hooked. I have read all of […]

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You know how you sometimes have books on your shelf that, for some reason or another, you just can’t ever get yourself to pick up and read? Poor little books. It’s like they’re the last ones chosen for the pick up soccer game at recess. Hopeful and wide-eyed, wishing that every time I approach the […]


End Malaria essay collection

February 8, 2012

Now, this is neat. It’s a collection of essays from successful business authors. There are a bundle of names you might event recognize, like Gary Vaynerchuk, Seth Godin, Dave Ramsey, and Pam Slim. It’s a book with an intention of inspiring and motivating the reader. It’s organized into sections like Focus, Courage, and Resilience, with […]

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Christmas Loot

December 29, 2011

Books books books! That’s what Santa brought me for Christmas this year. I mean, how did he know? Such a smartypants, that guy. Babygirl pulled in an impressive percentage of the sixteen total books that the man in red brought me (she’s off to a good start), so here are the newest additions to my […]

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I recently read Kiyosaki’s Unfair Advantage, one of the bestselling author’s newest releases. It was a fabulous read, and one that dove much deeper into Robert’s personal experience and business dealings than any of his previous books. Here, very briefly, is what I thought was one of the juiciest tidbits of the whole book: Question: […]


Books: Remembering

October 6, 2011


I read. A lot. You knew this, right? HA! Ha ha. Ha ha haa ha haa. Ahem. I get quite a few odd comments about my favorite hobby. Some share non-verbal opinions with their rolling eyes or pursed lips about how it must be nice to have so much cushy wushy free time to put […]

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3 Books on my Fall Wish List

September 15, 2011

I have enjoyed my summer. It’s been full of enjoyable work and enjoyable travel and enjoyable, well, everything. And it’s been chock full of light, entertaining, and enjoyable reading. I don’t know what it is about summer, but I want to set aside the business non-fiction reads and pick up nothing but fiction bestsellers and […]


Well isn’t this just a lovely, contemplative book trailer for a Monday morning? (If you can’t see the video, click here.) Inspiring. Right? And lovely. Right? So let’s grab our TOMS shoes from the closet and add this book to our wishlists. I’ve just added it to mine. Mmm. There’s nothing like I-was-just-introduced-to-a-new-book smell to […]