Ohh, this child.
She makes my ovaries hurt. Pang. Ping. Pang pang.
Whoops. That was them.
“Hi, Auntie!” I mean, honestly, can we take note of those cheeks. Those cheeks could spark world peace.
This child also makes me laugh.
I turn on the front-facing camera on my iPhone. She notices it.
“My! Look at that, Auntie!”
Then curiosity takes over. She must try and touch that darling punkin on the screen.
“Not…sure…if I…can…”
“Not…sure…if I…can…reach…it…”
“Hey hey!”
“I am SO CUTE!”
“I’ve just gotta touch it one more time.”
Dearest Youngest Niece,
You are going to be end of me.
And my ovaries.
I love you bunches. And please, if you do nothing else, nothing else at all, put those darn cheeks to good use.
Hugs and kisses,
Auntie Annie