I read. A lot. You knew this, right? HA! Ha ha. Ha ha haa ha haa. Ahem. I get quite a few odd comments about my favorite hobby. Some share non-verbal opinions with their rolling eyes or pursed lips about how it must be nice to have so much cushy wushy free time to put […]
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I have enjoyed my summer. It’s been full of enjoyable work and enjoyable travel and enjoyable, well, everything. And it’s been chock full of light, entertaining, and enjoyable reading. I don’t know what it is about summer, but I want to set aside the business non-fiction reads and pick up nothing but fiction bestsellers and […]
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books, wish list
Well isn’t this just a lovely, contemplative book trailer for a Monday morning? (If you can’t see the video, click here.) Inspiring. Right? And lovely. Right? So let’s grab our TOMS shoes from the closet and add this book to our wishlists. I’ve just added it to mine. Mmm. There’s nothing like I-was-just-introduced-to-a-new-book smell to […]
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books, video
I’ve talked (and talked and talked and talked) about my favorite businessy, non-fiction book. Businessy. Meaning, a book I’m reading for a purpose. Businessy, not to be confused with non-businessy non-fiction books about the Secret Service or Hurricane Katrina or slow carb diets that I’m reading for no business purpose at all. Well, unless I […]
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Sometime during the spring of 2000, sitting in the sixties-themed basement of Burge Hall on the University of Iowa campus, I was handed a book that would spark one of the biggest themes of my life; personal development. The book was eye opening for me, and it wasn’t just because of the advice and information […]
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book recommendations, books
They’re random, the items on this list. But I’m random. And random writing about writing is a good thing…right? Right. Here goes… If you like to write, and you occasionally do write, I say you can call yourself a writer. You don’t have to complete a marathon to call yourself a runner or get through […]
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books, writing
This one: Life As We Knew It, by Susan Beth Pfeffer and this one: Ford County: Stories, by John Grisham I read so much non-fiction that when I’m away from home on vacay, I crave nothing but fluffy, daydream-inducing novels. The couple that I stashed away in my suitcase for our recent trip to Mexico […]
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book reviews, books
Phew. Did that title wear you out, too? I’m really excited for this one: Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption It was a gift from my Mesa, Arizona buddy Danny King and, well, just check out that title! Survival. Resilience. Redemption. And it’s non-fiction. Swoon! So, I wanted to ask […]
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