Do you ever go back through the camera roll on your cell phone and amaze yourself at how many odd things you find yourself photographing? I do. And you do, too. Right?
You do, right? Hello?
I’m going to pretend I heard you respond.
According to my iPhone camera, my August went something like this:
I wore a sundress and felt the need to document the occasion with my tongue out. Huh?
Hubz forgot where he left his beer.
The canine slayed me with her beautiful browns.
We went to the lake.
I wore a funny hat.
There were fish in buckets.
Little ones.
And not so little ones.
The canine traveled in style, airing out her feet the entire time.
I think she liked it.
I went on a business road trip, got bored, and took fifty-five photos of my watch.
A girlfriend told me about a yummy new cocktail mixer. I found it!
There was contemplation in hardware store aisles,
first birthday celebrations of goddaughter niece smooshin pies,
and nephews on a fence.
At the Iowa State Fair, upon
recommendation demand from my little sister, cheese curds were eaten.
They could have used some ranch.
Hubz and Dad got a little loopy. Curly straws might have been involved.
I had champagne with my pizza. Because I could.
I shopped on a rainy Monday afternoon. Because I could.
I said hello to a beautiful sunrise in Scottsdale, Arizona. Because, well, I could.
Scottsdale gave me a lil BMW!
And somehow convinced me to take a ridiculous and all together completely unnecessary photo of my outfit. I’m sorry, Scottsdale, I…I…I’m not sure what came over me.
I nibbled every chocolate in the box.
You know, to make sure they weren’t poisonous. Or something.
I drank a mocha while sitting against a closed storefront window early on a beautiful Sunday morning, ready to leap up with water and Gu gels for the marathoner-in-training when he jogged by.
I entertained myself at stoplights.
I grilled filets and cobs for two.
And I reminded myself to make sure I don’t miss out on any of the fun.
Gratefully, in that department, I think I’m doing ok.