1. I wrote a guest post a couple weeks ago for the lovely blog, HappyVolunteers.com. It’s run by a Twitter friend of mine and celebrates the dedication and love and goofy things about volunteers everywhere.
I wrote about my gut. It’s a bit more appealing of a topic than it sounds.
Sort of.
Here it is: I mean, seriously, who fails at volunteering?!
2. Can I make a scatterbrained list into a blog post? Is this allowed?
3. Miss Juta is so jazzed about this list. She lifted one eyelid just to prove it to you. SO.EXCITED. Beyond excited.
Ecstatic, really.
Or, she may have spent all weekend cavorting with my parents Westie and therefore has not budged from this chair all day.
One of the two.
4. There is a squirrel outside my window right now that is performing some type of acrobatic move in order to eat the feed in our bird feeder. And succeeding.
I have zero idea what to do about this.
5. I’m currently reading: The ABC’s of Property Management by Ken McElroy. I have so much to learn about the real estate world it’s not even funny. But this book actually IS funny, and straightforward and educational and highlighter-friendly.
Big thumbs-up so far.
6. That link up there was an Amazon affiliate. Mmkay?
7. Once a month we sit down to update the spreadsheets for our Vemma business. Sales, growth, drop-off, etc. In reviewing everything this morning, our membership has grown 23% since January 1st. Holy growth Batman! Thank you.
Thank you!
Thank you thank you thank you thank you.
8. The Kansas City Public Library has a great blog that cranks out daily content. If you’re a library person, or a book person, or a Kansas City person, or community person…or a person person? take a peek. They’re well-deserving of the attention.
You can find them, here: KCUnbound: The Kansas City Public Library Blog
9. I love blog comments.
10. Just sayin.
11. But seriously, let’s chat. I was thinking this morning about attending conferences and how people have such strong opinions – for and against – about the benefits of traveling to and networking and learning at conferences.
Some love, some hate. Really, really hate. I attended quite a few last year, and will be at only one, maybe two, this year for a whole host of reasons. Actually, I even wrote about why I didn’t attend SXSW.
You? Will you be adding a conference or two or three to your calendar this year? Have you already? Why or why not?
Beneficial? A waste of time? Let’s hear it.
12. This was fun! Thanks for being you.