I was reading this morning and thinking about creating stories. The story of a person, after all, is the reason that people pay attention to what that person has to say. It’s their attraction.
An interesting story? We’ll listen.
An interesting story? You have eyeballs. You have a platform.
What you then do with that platform, well, that’s up to you. But if you have an interesting enough story, your options are endless.
(Everybody has an interesting story, by the way. It’s just a matter of finding it, and sharing it in a compelling way.)
What’s my story? Why would someone, like you, want to pay attention to what I have to say?
In 2007 I was stuck in a corporate cubicle and wanted out. I built a successful network marketing business on the side, and in early 2010 when that business was earning twice my corporate salary, I jumped outta that cubicle and never looked back. I’m now doing the things I’ve always wanted to do but never had the time – invest in real estate, volunteer, read, and write.
My goals are to educate and inspire people that they don’t have to be satisfied with the status quo, to adopt the lifelong habit of self-education, and to challenge their thinking about happiness, making more money, living healthier, building successful businesses, and doing what they want when they want.
It needs some tweaking, I know.
However, the question is, what part of that interests you the most?
I love to write, and my passion surrounding everything here on AS.com is such that I would do it regardless of it I had any audience at all. However, because of the wonderfulness that is the Internetz, I do have an audience. I have you!
For that I am grateful. So, so grateful.
But because I have you, I want to make sure what I’m doing is worthy of your time. That the pieces of my story that compel you the most are covered.
So, my lovelies, I ask again, what part of my story interests you the most?
I would be honored if you would share your answers in the comments below. One word, two words, whatever you’d like – it doesn’t need to be a paragraph.
Share ’em, and I’ll get to work making sure that that’s exactly what you get.
Lotsa love,
Psst! There *may* or *may not* be something special up for grabs for a couple random commenters. JUST SAYIN.