With our first solo real estate investment under our belts, this list could be ten or twenty or even one hundred items long. Of all the mistakes we made, however, here are the top five I wish we would have known before we began. Be ye not so dumb. Here we go, the top five […]
Hey, you. How are my five six lovely readers doing today? It’s been about six week since all sorts of cha cha cha changes started happening around here on AnnieSorensen.com. Since then, things have been a bit…crazy. This is my enormous thank-you for sticking with me. Thank you thiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much! (That’s a lot.) I know […]
Every week, Feature Friday will highlight something…cool. It might be a person, it might be a business. It could be a new product, a new site, a new book, a new idea. There are so many amazing people and stories out there that deserve more attention. Attention from all of you, my five, lovely readers. […]
Attending the inaugural conference hosted by the author of The Art of Non-Conformity in Portland, Oregon last weekend, I took a bundle of notes. Thirteen pages worth, to be exact. So I guess you could say that I learned a lot. Thirteen pages = lots of lessons. But that’s not really accurate. Those thirteen pages […]
Every week, Feature Friday will highlight something…cool. It might be a person, it might be a business. It could be a new product, a new site, a new book, a new idea. There are so many amazing people and stories out there that deserve more attention. Attention from all of you, my five, lovely readers. […]
Welcome to a new dealio here on AnnieSorensen.com – Feature Friday. I suggested creating a platform where we could more formally feature cool kids doing cool stuff, you heartily responded, so here we are. Every week, Feature Friday will highlight something…cool. It might be a person, it might be a business. It could be a […]