Books make me…

May 16, 2011

Books make me…
…remember how much I don’t know.

Sometimes reading…
…is relaxing.
…is frustrating.
…makes me late. Oh my God does it make me late.

…unite people.
…are sold at airports.
…are cherished…
…and sometimes burned.


…are under-used.
…are under-supported.
…sometimes smell like old-lady smell.
…can transform a third-world country, one shelf of books at a time.

…flows easiest for me in the mornings.
…is best done with coffee. Lots and lots of coffee.
…can excite me and inspire me and motivate me.
…can bore me.
…can anger me.
…is so dependent on the book…
…and the subject…
…and the reader…

…are the best.
…smell delicious.
…are most enjoyable with the grainy covers that feel delightful, not those dumb shiney covers, and are best in the bigger paperback size, not the small, cheap-o, impossible-to-hold-the-book-open beach book size.


A book?
– You will find one in my purse. Always.
– I own a couple. Times a jillion.

Photo on 2011-05-16 at 19.21
Books make me…
…remember how much I don’t know.


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