lifestyle design

Work Into Life: How can I help?

September 29, 2011

In need of a bit of inspiration, I was flipping through the past few months of scribbles and scratches in my notebook a couple days ago when I ran into this: “Some of us choose to work for a living, and some people choose to incorporate work into living.” -@petershankman I’m not sure where I […]



Via a series of conversations last night, I remembered that several years ago I had written diary-like emails to my parents/myself while on a trip to Belize. It was 2006, and in 2007 I archived them in a hidden little corner of these here Interwebz. And I just found them! This piece, the first, and […]

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Rocking chair on the deck, on Flickr by Ed Yourdon

Lifestyle Design seems to be a term that’s thrown around a lot, especially online. It’s kind of become a cool and hip thing to say, something that makes anyone you meet go Ohhhh when you mention it. And then they walk away wondering what the heck you’re talking about. As popular of a term it […]


What is your ideal lifestyle?

I’ve recently caught-up with all of the back episodes of The Ren Men Show, and that, coupled with my having just read the updated and expanded edition of Tim Ferriss‘s 4-Hour Workweek, has really got me thinking a lot more about lifestyle design. I started my journey towards time and financial freedom when I was […]